Sunday, March 13, 2022
His Posterior Paddled for Procrastination
Laura sipped her wine as she listened to her friend complain. “I just don’t get it. How can he be so careless?” Sue asked. “Bill is a smart man, has a great job is in charge of a whole division. Why is he such a scatterbrain at home?” Laura started to offer an opinion but Sue continued. “Well, I know one thing. He’s not getting any for two weeks. Last time it was a week but that obviously didn’t work. Maybe his balls being ready to explode will teach him a lesson.”
“But what about you? Won’t you miss it too?” Laura asked. Sue grimaced.
“I will but I don’t know what else to do with him. Three bounced checks in three months? All because he wants to leave the money in the money market to get an extra billionth of a point over the checking account? And he has promised for months, months to put the new curtains up for me. He has a workroom to make Bob Villas green with envy and I can’t get him to hang some curtains?” Sue’s eyes narrowed as she spoke. Laura was afraid Sue was getting mad at her.
“I wasn’t defending him. Just pointing out the downside of your plan.”
“I know honey. I’ll miss it but I do have my little friend.” Sue did her best Pacino impersonation.
Laura would have blushed at that much information from almost anyone else in the world but she and Sue had been roommates in college and there weren’t many intimate details that college roommates didn’t know about each other.
“Men can be so childish.” Laura commiserated. “It doesn’t seem fair though, I mean in a way you are being punished for his misbehavior. I have known you a long time and I know how much you love sex.”
Sue signaled the waiter for two more wines. “But I have to teach him a lesson. He has to become more responsible.”
Laura took a deep breath. “You know.” She took a swallow of her wine. “You sound like a mother complaining about a child’s misbehavior.”
Sue nodded. “Yep. that is how he acts, like an irresponsible child.”
Laura took another sip of wine. “Then maybe that is the way you should treat him. Like a naughty boy.”
“I am, in a way. He’s grounded, he doesn’t get to play with his favorite toy.” She moved her hands down her body like a model vamping a gown.
“There are, or were, other forms of punishment you know.” Laura’s voice was husky as she said this. She hesitated. “Remember Tony? My boyfriend for a few months last year? “ Susan nodded. “He had a horrible habit of being late. Remember how late we were for Karen’s wedding?”
“Yeah and it was like a cold front hit the room when you two finally did sit down. You tortured him, but the nice girl you are you finally thawed. By the cake cutting, you two were little love birds again.”
“I didn’t thaw for no reason. He begged me to ease up on him. And, I told him I would; on one condition.”
“You get to grab him by his ears and make him please you?”
“Not exactly. I told him when we got back to my place I was going to give him a spanking.”
Susan nearly spit her wine out her nose. “You a dominatrix? Do you have a leather catsuit I don’t know about?”
Laura shook her head. “I’m not a dominatrix. I was just fed up with his childish behavior. But, being pissed at him during the wedding was spoiling my night too. I wanted to teach him a lesson but I didn’t deserve to have my night ruined. So I gave him the ultimatum, he agreed and we both enjoyed the rest of the reception.”
“And when you got home?”
Laura sat back in her chair a smile spreading across her face. “I paddled his butt till it was fire engine red.”
“You spanked that big Italian guy? He looked like he had muscles on his muscles.”
“He did and his ass was as hard as the weights he lifts. After about ten spanks I knew I needed a ‘little friend’” she said, miming Susan. “I think my hand hurt more than his ass. I made him go get my ruler. Do you know the one, made out of Lexan, about three inches wide?”
“And he did? He let you spank him?”
“Tony had his faults but he is a man of his word. I told him at the wedding that is what it would take for me to stop being bitchy and he agreed.”
“How did you do it?”
“Just like he was a naughty boy, I sat in my chair, he took off his pants and laid over my lap and I wore his ass out with that ruler. We dated another three months after that and he was only late once.”
“And did you . . .”
Laura nodded. “I didn’t even have to bring it up. As soon as he arrived he gave me a kiss and said ‘I know, I’m late, I’ll take my punishment when we get back.’ I teased him all night that he was getting a spanking. One time I think the waitress might have overheard me. His face turned as red as his ass after a spanking.” Laura laughed at the memory and shifted in her seat, despite not being a dominatrix the memory of his hard white ass turning redder and redder as the ruler did its job did have an effect on her.
“So you think I should spank Bill?”
“Maybe. I bet it would be better for you than being celibate for two weeks. And, as you said, you tried cutting him off before and it didn’t correct his behavior.”
“What would I use? He might not be the stud Tony was but he does work out and I don’t think my hand would make much of an impression.”
“Find something in your house. My Mom smacked my butt with a wooden spoon a couple of times growing up. That stung.”
“I got it once with Mom’s hairbrush. I bet my hairbrush would do a good job.” Susan took a long sip of her wine and focused on something far away, she took another sip and reached out and patted Laura’s hand. “Thank you. I’m going to try it.”
When Susan got home she retrieved the notice from the bank and put it on the dining room table. Then she pulled the curtain rods from the hall closet and leaned them against a chair. Finally, she placed her wooden hairbrush on the table next to the letter from the bank. She’d always dealt with conflict by withdrawing, becoming cool, and uncommunicative.
She found her mouth was dry, anxious about confronting him. The sight of the letter and the unhung curtain rods strengthened her resolve. She undoubtedly was in the right, the proof was right there on the table, along with the consequence. She picked up her hairbrush and imagined it smacking her husband’s bare ass and a grin spread across her face. She found herself excited, aroused a the thought. She poured herself a glass of wine and left the bottle on the table.
Bill walked in about 30 minutes later came up and gave her a kiss. He glanced at the items on the table but then reached for the wine.
“Not so fast Mister.” She’d rehearsed what she’d say to get his attention. He turned to her an amused, quizzical look on his face. He apparently thought she was joking. She pointed at a chair.
“Sit down. We need to talk.”
Whether it was her tone or the look on her face he appeared to realize she wasn’t kidding. He sat and looked at her. She slid the notice from the bank to him, crossed her right leg over her left, and let her high heel dangle. He read the letter and looked back up at her.
“I’m sorry hon. I meant to move the money over it must have slipped my mind.”
“Just like these slipped your mind?” She picked up one of the curtain rods and slid it across the table at him.
“Honey, easy, calm down. I told you I’d get to them.”
‘Calm down’ was like waving a red flag at a bull.
“Calm down? You’ll get to them? When? A few months from now? You were ‘going to move the money over.’ When? After you cost us more late fees.?” She stood up. “This nonsense stops now. You are going to learn that actions and inactions have consequences. If you want to act like a little boy who can’t finish his projects on time, who procrastinates and misses deadlines that is exactly how I will treat you.” She picked up the hairbrush and felt herself getting excited. The conflict caused adrenaline to course through her body but there was something else, her nipples were hardening and she felt her tummy tighten and the lips of her vagina moistening. Her face was flushed but she looked him right in the eye. He looked surprised and confused. He clearly wasn’t used to her acting this way.
“Bill, come here. I am going to spank you.” He shook his head.
“Are you nuts?” Her eyes widened. She needed to calm down, she was nuts. Oh no, he wasn’t turning this on her. She took a breath.
“Bill, I’ve put up with your nonsense since we’ve been married; since we’ve been dating. I’ve kept a lot of things in. I try to make this a happy home. But, I’ve had it. If you want us to be happy things have to change and they are going to start changing right now. I am going to punish you for your misbehavior.”
“You made your point. I’ll get my tools and hang the curtains right now. Before dinner.” He stood.
“Yes. you will but after you’ve taken your punishment.” He bent over in front of her and stuck his butt out.
“If it will make you feel better go ahead and give me a whack,” he said with a chuckle.
“It is not about me feeling better, it is about you doing better. And I’m not ‘giving you a whack.’ I am giving you a spanking. It is going to hurt enough to make you not want another one.” Bill stood up and faced her.
“And if I say no?” But his voice had lost some of its joviality. She arched an eyebrow and placed a hand on her hip.
“We both know I have other ways of making you miserable. This is short and to the point. You take your punishment and hang the curtains and we can have a nice dinner and a pleasant evening. If you disobey me . . .” She decided to let him fill in the blanks on his own. They stood looking at each other for what seemed like a long time. She didn’t break. She kept a neutral look on her face and maintained eye contact. He looked her up and down, she was still dressed from her lunch, short skirt, heels, her smooth toned legs tan and bare, a loose blouse that just hinted at the bosom beneath. She knew she looked good.
“Is this really necessary?” He asked.
“Yes. Yes, it is.” Sensing his capitulation she sat in the chair. “Take off your pants.” He stripped them off and she beckoned him over with a crooked finger. He stepped closer and she pulled his briefs down to his ankles. She saw that this was having some effect on Bill as well, his cock was at half-mast it bobbed a little up and down seemingly unsure if it should go to full erection. She patted her lap. “Get over my knee.” Saying those words had an effect on her and she felt herself become more aroused. Bill positioned himself over her lap, she opened her legs to accommodate his cock which hardened as it glided across her thigh. She pulled him closer with her left arm and rested the back of the brush against his right cheek. Without warning, she lifted the brush and brought it down low on the right side of his ass. It landed with a CRACK that startled her.
“Ow!” Bill yelled out, adding in a surprised voice “That hurt.”
“I guess I am doing it right then.” Susan smacked his left butt with the brush, Bill was apparently mentally prepared for this one and responded with just a grunt. Laura had told her that she didn’t count the spanks when she punished Tony, she just spanked until she decided it was enough to teach him a lesson. Susan decided to do the same. She didn’t swing with all of her strength but she spanked hard enough to see the hairbrush sink into the meat of his ass. She alternated her spanks between his left and right cheeks which turned first pink, then red, and finally a darker red. Bill was squirming on her lap now. He kept his hands on the floor but his hips were bucking and gyrating after each spank. His once semi-rigid cock had withered due to the assault on his ass. She became more aroused as she punished her husband. The crotch of her panties was noticeably damp. She tightened her grip and gave him five slow hard spanks all on his left cheek. This caused him to emit a few “Ows.” Then she finished with five deliberate whacks to his right side. He was clenching and unclenching his cheeks furiously now, turning her on even more. She put the brush down and cupped his right cheek. She was shocked at the heat coming off his skin. She ran her soft hand over his punished posterior. “You took your punishment well. Stand up.” He stood and looked at her wide-eyed.
“You really laid it on.” He held one hand demurely in front of his crotch while the other explored his damaged derriere. Her face felt flushed and she wondered if he thought it was from the exertion of spanking him or if he detected her excitement.
“Don’t forget that was for two offenses; the bounced check and not hanging the curtains. I assumed you would prefer one longer spanking to two shorter ones.” He nodded at her logic. “Go ahead and hang the curtains.” Bill reached for his briefs.” No. I want to watch you do it with that red hiney on display.” He hesitated but then acquiesced and dropped the briefs. She sat back in her chair and watched as he perched on the step ladder measuring, drilling, and screwing the brackets into the wall. Her hand drifted to her crotch and she pressed her mons through the fabric of her skirt, stopping when she saw him stepping down from the ladder. She retrieved his briefs and held them out to him leaning in for a kiss. “See? You hung the curtains in less time than it took me to give you a spanking.”
“You’re right honey, I’m sorry. I should have hung them sooner.” She squeezed his butt, earning a pained grimace as she gave him another kiss.
“Good boy. You get changed while I cook dinner.”
They enjoyed their meal, finishing the bottle of wine she had opened. They capped the night off in bed where he started by licking her still wet pussy and they ended up climaxing together, he buried deep inside her while she dug her nails into his still hot ass.
The next morning Susan sent a text message to Laura “Guess who got her curtains hung last night?”
Laura responded, “Did you . . .?”
Susan wrote back “Yes, thanks for the tip.” And ended the exchange with a devil smiley face emoji.
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Neighbor's switching Part I
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Laura sipped her wine as she listened to her friend complain. “I just don’t get it. How can he be so careless?” Sue asked. “Bill is a sma...
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